Crypto monsters: How to Convert Fear into Opportunity and Start Investing

Published 18 October 2024
Crypto monsters: How to Convert Fear into Opportunity and Start Investing


Cryptocurrency is a young and rapidly growing field that offers new opportunities for investors while also evoking many fears and concerns. Many hesitate to enter the market, feeling uncertainty due to market volatility, fraudulent schemes, and technical threats.

With new technologies comes skepticism, but these very innovations usually bring positive changes and foster progress. The crypto industry is no exception. Like any other sector, it has challenges and fears, but also offers great opportunities for those willing to master it. Specifically, risks can be minimized through knowledge and strategies. You can prepare for possible challenges by arming yourself with effective crypto powers — principles that help work efficiently in the crypto market and protect against potential threats.

This Halloween, we invite you to dive into a parallel Crypto Universe, where the fears and risks of traders take the form of Cryptomonsters, who are opposed by amazing Cryptoheroes, endowed with superpowers that can overcome these dangers.

You can join the fight against Cryptomonsters by following this link: But first, learn as much as possible about your adversaries and how to combat them.

Top Fears of Crypto Investors

Fears can intimidate both beginners and experienced traders alike. Often, the most common risks and uncertainties in the crypto world take the form of menacing cryptomonsters. Just thinking about them might make you want to retreat and avoid the crypto space altogether. However, like any challenge, these crypto fears can be confronted and overcome. The key is to understand their nature, how they operate, and what to expect, so you’re well-prepared for their attacks.

1. Fraudulent Schemes are the main threats in the world of cryptocurrency, they can take many forms, including:

Fake ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings)

ICOs are a way to raise capital for new crypto projects, but some are created solely to scam unwary investors. In such fraudulent schemes, developers may promise a “revolutionary” project, collect money, and disappear, leaving investors with nothing. One of the most notorious scams was the Bitconnect ICO, which promised returns of up to 40% monthly. After attracting huge investments, the company vanished, leaving investors with significant losses.

Fake Crypto Exchanges

There are many exchanges that either imitate well-known platforms or are created from scratch, offering favorable trading conditions. They may appear reliable but are designed to steal users’ assets. These platforms attract traders with low fees and sign-up bonuses, only to withdraw their funds after the first deposit.

Pyramid Schemes and Pump-and-Dump Strategies

Pyramid schemes, or Ponzi schemes, promise stable returns on investments but rely on recruiting new participants. When new investments dry up, the scheme collapses, leaving investors empty-handed. Pump-and-dump strategies are another form of fraud, where criminals artificially inflate the price of a token by creating hype, then quickly sell off their assets, leaving other traders with devalued tokens.

The Cryptomonster Scamface embodies these fraudulent schemes. This villain takes the form of fake ICOs, new projects with promises of huge profits, or dubious crypto exchanges. His strength lies in his ability to convince even the most experienced investors to invest in questionable assets.

2. Shitcoins

Shitcoins are cryptocurrencies with no real value or prospects. They are created for the quick enrichment of their developers and have no substantial technological or economic foundation. These tokens can attract investors through aggressive marketing and promises of significant profits but are often nearly worthless.

The monster Shitcoin Shifter symbolizes these tokens, representing the fear of investing in cryptocurrencies with no real value that offers no returns.

3. Liquidation and Margin Calls

Margin trading allows traders to use borrowed funds to increase their positions. However, this also increases the risk of liquidation when the market moves in the opposite direction. Suppose the asset price drops to a certain level. In that case, traders may receive a margin call — a notification requiring them to add more funds to avoid the automatic closure of their positions with significant losses.

Issues with Margin Trading

Market volatility: Cryptocurrencies can experience significant price fluctuations, increasing liquidation risk even in short-term positions.

Excessive leverage: High leverage (e.g., 100:1) can lead to substantial losses even with a slight price movement in the wrong direction.

Psychological pressure: Traders often experience high-stress levels during margin calls, leading to impulsive decisions that worsen the situation.

The Cryptomonsters Margin Mauler and Liquidator specifically target traders who use leverage or take excessive risks with their assets. They aim to force you into a margin call and close your positions with significant losses.

4. Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a fraudulent technique in which attackers attempt to gain access to your private keys, passwords, or wallets through deceptive emails, fake websites, or malicious software. In the cryptocurrency world, phishing can result in the immediate loss of all your assets.

Phishgeist, a shadowy Cryptomonster who preys on traders through these phishing schemes, is the villain behind phishing attacks. He uses fake emails, counterfeit platforms, and malicious links to steal your private keys and seize your assets.

5. Sudden Market Crashes or “Flash Crashes”

Flash crashes are situations in which the price of a cryptocurrency drops sharply within minutes or even seconds. These crashes can be caused by large-scale sales, technical failures, or market panic. They are dangerous because investors may not have enough time to react to such sudden drops and lose a significant portion of their assets.

The Cryptomonster Flashcrash Fiend is responsible for sudden and drastic market collapses that can wipe out your assets in minutes. He also symbolizes the fear of unpredictable market fluctuations that can lead to sudden and devastating losses.

6. Crypto Winter

Crypto winter refers to a prolonged downturn in the cryptocurrency market, during which prices remain low for months or even years. These periods can be exhausting for investors, who must wait for the market to recover and not be able to sell their assets at an acceptable price.

The Cryptomonster Crypto Fridge embodies these long periods of market stagnation, acting as an event manager of extended market slumps.

7. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

FOMO is the psychological fear of missing out on an opportunity when an asset’s price rapidly rises. This fear drives traders to make impulsive decisions, pushing them to buy assets at their peak, afraid of missing out on potential profits. The Cryptomonster Fomolus thrives on this fear, manipulating your anxiety about losing a golden opportunity. His goal is to make you act impulsively at every chance, encouraging you to buy at the top, often leading to poor investment decisions and potential losses.

How to Overcome Fears and Dangers

The cryptocurrency market is filled with risks and challenges, but each of these fears can be addressed with the right strategies and approaches. To succeed in crypto investing, it’s crucial to follow three key principles: diversification, resilience, and cybersecurity. These “three pillars” serve as the foundation for effective risk management and asset protection.

1. Diversification: Your Shield Against Crypto Risks

The cryptocurrency market is incredibly volatile. Prices can drop sharply, and projects that once seemed promising can turn out to be worthless “shitcoins.” Putting all your funds into a single asset can lead to disaster if that asset loses its value.

Solution: Assets diversification

This positive strategy is embodied by the superhero Diversifier, your ally in the battle against fraud. He teaches you how to distribute your assets effectively across different classes of cryptocurrencies. Investing in various assets reduces the risk of significant losses, as the decline of one asset can be offset by the growth of another.

How Does Diversification Work?

For example, by distributing your funds across Bitcoin, Ethereum, and several promising altcoins, you minimize the risk of losses due to the fall of a single asset. Diversification ensures that even if one asset declines in value, others in your portfolio might grow, helping to offset potential losses.

Loss Prevention Strategy:

Always thoroughly research each project you’re planning to invest in. Study its technical features, the team behind it, and its real-world applications. Avoid investments in assets that make excessive promises without delivering proven results.

Diversifier is a master of strategic asset allocation. He’s your valuable ally in the fight against monsters likeShitcoin Shifter, who try to trap you with worthless tokens. Diversifier also protects you from sudden market fluctuations that could lead to liquidations.

2. Resilience: Achieving Zen Amid Market Chaos

Cryptocurrency markets can crash as quickly as they rise. During sudden drops, known as “flash crashes,” or prolonged declines like “crypto winter,” investors often panic. Many traders make impulsive decisions, fearing they will lose all their investments, which can lead to even more significant losses.

Solution: Maintain resilience and stick to your strategy.

The crypto hero Resilience Ranger will help you control your emotions and stay calm, even when the market seems chaotic. The essential rule for success is to avoid impulsive decisions and follow a clear strategy.

How does it work? Market fluctuations are normal; even large drops can be part of a recovery cycle. For example, during past crypto winters, Bitcoin fell by tens of percentage points but later recovered and reached new heights.

Advice from Resilience Ranger: Develop a long-term investment strategy and stick to it, even when the market seems unpredictable. This will prevent FOMO and help you avoid unnecessary risks. Resilience is a superpower that will keep you on top when the market experiences difficulties.

3. Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Assets

Cybersecurity is one of the most critical issues in the world of cryptocurrencies. Every investor will eventually face risks such as fraud, phishing attacks, and wallet hacks. Cryptomonsters like Scamface and Phishgeist are experts at using fake websites, malicious software, and deceptive emails to steal passwords, keys, and crypto assets.

Solution: Always (and even more often than always) follow cybersecurity rules.

The best guide for this is the crypto hero Cyber Sentinel, who will teach you the basics of secure crypto storage and personal data protection. You can safeguard your assets from these lurking threats by adhering to strong security practices.

Basic Security Tips from Cyber Sentinel:

  1. Use hardware wallets: It is the safest way to store cryptocurrencies since private keys are not connected to the internet. Hardware wallets significantly reduce the risk of hacking or theft through cyberattacks.
  2. Store passwords and private keys in password managers: Avoid writing down passwords or private keys on paper or in digital notes. Use reliable password managers to store these data, protecting them from loss or theft.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Always activate two-factor authentication on exchanges and wallets. It adds an extra layer of security to protect your account from unauthorized access.
  4. Beware of phishing websites: Always check the URL of websites before entering your credentials. Hackers often create clone websites of popular exchanges to steal data.
  5. Do not reuse the same password for different accounts: If one of the accounts is hacked, using unique passwords for various platforms will help protect your other accounts from being compromised.
  6. Keep your software up to date: Regularly update your crypto wallet and other programs for storing cryptocurrencies. Updates often include security patches and vulnerability fixes to enhance protection.
  7. Avoid connecting your crypto wallet to public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks: Public networks tend to be less secure, increasing the risk of data interception and hacking. Always use secure and private internet connections when accessing your crypto assets.

The crypto industry is a dynamic market with immense potential but carries significant risks. Threats such as fraudulent schemes, shitcoins, sudden market crashes, and other cyber dangers can devastate the capital of investors who are not prepared for these challenges. However, these fears are not as invincible as they may seem. For every Cryptomonster, there is a Cryptohero ready to help you overcome the threat, avoid danger, and protect your assets.

A successful crypto investor relies on three fundamental principles:

  • Diversification, which reduces risk through the distribution of assets.
  • Resilience helps avoid emotional decisions during market fluctuations.
  • Cybersecurity protects against fraud and hacking attacks.

These principles form the foundation of a solid investment strategy in an unstable market. By understanding how to confront Cryptomonsters with smart strategies and the support of Cryptoheroes, you will easily learn to turn fears into advantages and fully harness cryptocurrency’s potential.