Terms and Conditions of the “Active and Creative” Promotion

Published 22 June 2023
Terms and Conditions of the “Active and Creative” Promotion


Attention! Promotion rules have been updated. New edition dated 07.24.2023

The Organizer of the Promotion is the company WhiteBIT, incorporated under the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania under number LT-03224, and has its registered office address: J. Basanaviiaus g. 26 Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania.

Promotion’s duration: from 12:30 PM (UTC) on 22.06.2023. The Promotion is long-term.

Territory of the Promotion: the Promotion is held on the territory of all countries, except for: Afghanistan, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Canada, the Kingdom of Spain, Guam, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Palestine, Puerto Rico, Somalia, North Korea, Northern Mariana Islands, USA, Syria, Sudan, South Sudan, Transnistria, temporarily occupied territories of Georgia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Northern Cyprus, Western Sahara, Amazonia, Kosovo, Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation, temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

The Promotion is held with the aim of popularizing WhiteBIT services and social networks.

Contact the Promotion Organizer by email at support@whitebit.com or via chat at https://whitebit.com.

The Promotion is not a game of chance, a lottery, a service in the field of gambling business or a contest; these Terms are not a public promise of reward.

Information about the Promotion is provided based on advertising rights.

Participants of the Promotion are adult citizens (18 years old or older) of non-prohibited countries (except for those cited above) or other persons who are legally present on the territory of such countries that:

  • Signed up on the official https://whitebit.com website and passed the KYC verification;
  • During the Promotion period, send unique text materials to private messages of the WhiteBIT Discord profile — WhiteBIT#8126;
  • All works must be unique and exclusive, that is, created in a single original version. Text materials should not be published anywhere before and can be used only for the purpose of participating in this Promotion.
  • Have a wallet on the Polygon network;
  • Have 5 or more published works.

As part of the Promotion, a section under the #whitebitmovieclub hashtag is held every Friday, where users can write a review during the week, which, provided that all requirements are met, will be published every Friday. One can send reviews of documentaries or feature films (movies) of the following genres: business, economy, cryptocurrencies.

Please note! Each text must meet the following conditions:

— Text materials should correspond to the following topics: cryptocurrencies, finance, innovative technologies.

— Offensive, discriminatory statements, as well as those containing hatred and any financial advice are not allowed.

— Texts written by any artificial intelligence (AI) software or other text generating program are not allowed.

— Each text is checked for plagiarism through the Plagiarism Checker service at the

https://www.plagiarismchecker.co/ link. Texts with less than 75% uniqueness are not allowed for publication.

— All text works within the Promotion are subject to moderation.

Texts that meet all the conditions and pass moderation will be published on this Discord channel — #cryptowriting-ugc.

A Participant who has 5 or more published materials in this way receives the role of “Cryptowriter.” A respective mark highlighted in colour will appear on the profile of the Participant who received the role.

Any personal data of Participants in the Promotion is processed to ensure participation in the Promotion, marketing relations, advertising relations, tax relations and accounting relations.

Employees, representatives, or agents of the Organizer and their relatives (first and second degree of kinship) are not eligible to participate in the Promotion. If at the time of the provision of the Prize it is established that the person participating in the Promotion cannot be a Participant of the Promotion in accordance with these Terms, such person is not entitled to receive the Prize.

The Participant will be notified about the assignment of the “‎Cryptowriter” role in private messages in Discord. A private message will be sent from the account WhiteBIT#8126 after the Participant fulfils the necessary conditions to obtain the “Cryptowriter” role.

The Promotion has a repeated nature and takes place on a permanent basis. As soon as the Participant has received the role of “Cryptowriter” and has been notified about it in private messages, he/she automatically becomes the Winner. Each Winner receives a 1-month subscription to Discord Nitro Basic and 1 unique NFT (non-fungible token).

The Organizer shall credit the part of the Prize to Discord profile of the Winner within the 7 calendar days period starting on the next calendar day from the date of obtaining the status of the Winner by the Participant. To receive the second part of the Prize, namely, the NFT, the Winner must provide his wallet address on the Polygon network in the private messages of the profile WhiteBIT#8126 as soon as possible.

The Organizer will credit the Prizes to the Winners’ wallets on the Polygon network within 7 working days from the day after receiving the wallet’s address in private messages of the profile WhiteBIT#8126 in Discord.

A Participant can publish works and get the role of “Cryptowriter” on both servers at the same time. However, this will not affect the number of months of Nitro Basic Discord subscription that will be credited to the Winner.

One Winner can only win one subscription and one unique NFT.

If it is impossible to contact the Winner, such Winner loses the Winner’s status

The Winner receives the prize for free. The Prize can be replaced in cases if delivery of the prize to the country of the Winner is not possible.

The received Prize is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged.

The Organizer does not bear any warranty obligations for the Prize received within the framework of this Promotion and under the conditions specified in these Terms.

In case of not receiving the Prize, if the Participant was entitled to it or in case of any other difficulties, the Winner should contact online support on the https://whitebit.com website, at the support@whitebit.com e-mail address or in the chat no later than 7 working days after providing the data for sending the NFT and accounting the Discord Nitro Basic subscription. If the Winner has not provided the data for sending the NFT and accounting for the Discord Nitro Basic subscription within 14 working days after the request for this data, the Winner loses the right to receive the Prize.

Winners determined by the results of the Promotion cannot transfer the rights to receive the Prize to third parties.

The Winner of the Promotion has the right to refuse receiving the Prize.

The Organizer does not compensate for the additional expenses of the Winner related to the receipt of the Prize. Taxation of the income of the Winners who received the Prize is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the participating countries.

By participating in the Promotion, the Participant understands and agrees that any information voluntarily provided to them, including text materials authored by the Participant, personal data of the Participant, may be processed by the Organizer or third parties engaged by it for conducting the Promotion, carrying out all necessary actions related to it (including, but not limited to, informing about the results of the Promotion both in advertising and in other ways), as well as further possible sending of information to the Participant, including of an advertising nature, about the Organizer’s next events/contests/promotions/draws. The rights to all text materials allowed for publication are transferred to the Organizer of the Promotion. By accepting the requirements of these Terms and Conditions, Participants hereby consent to such processing of personal data for use by the Organizer and/or other persons authorized by the Organizer and confirm their full understanding and necessary awareness of the purposes of processing the information provided, as well as the privacy policy:https://whitebit.com/ua/privacy-policy.

At the same time, the Participants of the Promotion by their participation in the Promotion confirm their consent to the use of their surnames and names without financial compensation, as well as their agreement to comply with other Terms of the Promotion. The Winners confirm their consent to provide advertising interviews about participation in the Promotion in the media, including on radio and television, as well as to be photographed for the production of graphic materials without paying them any monetary compensation. All exclusive intellectual property rights to such interviews and photographs will belong to the Organizer.

The Organizer does not enter into disputes that may arise between the Promotion’s Participants concerning the Prize. In the event of situations that allow ambiguous interpretation of these Terms and / or issues not regulated by these Terms, the final decision is made by the Organizer of the Promotion in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the participating countries. In this case, the decision of the Organizer of the Promotion is final and not subject to appeal.

The Organizer reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions of the Promotion. The Terms for obtaining the role, Prize, and the theme of the movie club may change. In case of any changes, information about this will be provided on the https://whitebit.com website and Organizer’s social networks.