User profile changes

Published 27 September 2022
User profile changes


Dear users! We are tirelessly working to improve the security of your data and funds by constantly improving existing and implementing new security measures.

We inform you today that all users of our exchange will be assigned new nicknames instead of those that contain your email address before the @ symbol. Introducing the new nickname system will help us continue providing high protection for your data and money.

From now on, each user will get a personal tag and number. Your nickname consists of a random name (adjective + cryptocurrency name) and a four-digit tag (for example, #1111).

If, in the future, users will have the same first part of the nickname, then it will be made unique by using a numerical tag. Tags change only when the nickname changes and are not selected by the user but are assigned randomly. You can find your new nickname in the Account Settings section.

You can change your nickname yourself in the account settings. For it, you need to:

  • click the account icon and select Account Settings;
  • on the General tab, change your nickname and click Change.

Further changes to the nickname are possible by contacting our support team. In this case, use your nickname, not email. Please note that from now on, all requests to our support team must be made using your nickname.

We will also use your new nicknames in Trading competitions and winners’ list announcements.

The Memo has also changed. From this moment, you can leave the Field memo unfilled.

We move forward to exciting changes!

WhiteBIT Team