Crypto exchange news

WhiteBIT Expands Opportunities: 10 New Projects on the Exchange for Your Portfolio

Останні три місяці запамʼяталися криптоентузіастам не тільки захмарною ринковою динамікою, але й поя...
Read 10 minutes
19 July 2024

Analytics Dashboard: Keep Your Account Data Under Control

The Analytics dashboard enables you to monitor the most important indicators of your activity on the...
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15 July 2024

Promodex (PROMO): Revolutionizing Promotional Marketplaces in Web3

We’re excited to announce that on July 1, 2024, we open a new voting on WhiteBIT Launchpad with Prom...
Read 2 minutes
28 June 2024

Transition Process: Step-by-Step Instructions and Additional Info

We are excited to announce a significant milestone for WhiteBIT Card users—the transition of service...
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27 June 2024

Crypto Lending Bonus and New WBT Holding Level: More Privileges for Holding WhiteBIT Coin

Holding our exchange's native coin offers numerous advantages: from reduced trading fees to regular ...
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20 May 2024

BBO (Best-Bid-Offer) on WhiteBIT: In Search for the Best Price for Your Order

Essentials:  BBO (Best-Bid-Offer) is a trading feature that automatically determines the best price ...
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13 May 2024

AKTIO and Rayn: Leveraging Blockchain for Financial Prosperity

In times when blockchain technology actively transforms traditional finance, there is always a need ...
Read 3 minutes
06 May 2024

Boxing Fans, Listen Up! Prepare for the Vesting of RTF Tokens

In the world of boxing, innovation never stands still, especially when it comes to Ready To Fight (R...
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23 April 2024

Trading Fees on WhiteBIT

WhiteBIT users can buy and sell cryptocurrency under one of the most favorable conditions in the mar...
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25 March 2024

WhiteBIT and FC Barcelona Foster Blockchain Education

The framework of an official partnership between WhiteBIT and FC Barcelona presupposes versatile int...
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07 March 2024

WhiteBIT x TradingView: Endless Horizons for Spot Trading

Enjoying our spot trading tools? We went further and are thrilled to announce that WhiteBIT has been...
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28 February 2024

New Payment Provider ZEN!

We are thrilled to introduce the integration with the ZEN payment provider for deposits and withdraw...
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20 February 2024

The Future of Technology in Sports: A Fruitful Discussion at the Sports Tomorrow Congress 2024

We continue to fill this year with participation in large-scale events that gather hundreds of repre...
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16 February 2024

WhiteBIT Launchpad: Meet ivendPay

ivendPay is a crypto payment system for retail, e-commerce, and vending machines. The mission of the...
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14 February 2024

WhiteBIT Network Changes Its Name to Whitechain and Shares Important Updates

Our blockchain, WB Network, has changed its name to Whitechain. The new name reflects our long-term ...
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08 February 2024
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