WhiteBIT Trading Competitions: The Birth of Trading Legends

Published 20 September 2023
WhiteBIT Trading Competitions: The Birth of Trading Legends


Greetings! It’s updated Trading Competitions calling. We’ve fused the spirit of healthy competition with a relentless pursuit of excellence, creating a platform that not only hones your skills but elevates your trading prowess to new heights. Our competitions offer a distinctive chance to enhance your trading abilities, irrespective of your experience level.

In one corner, we have trading volume, and in the other, we present you with the options of updated rP&L and rP&L + Volume competitions. The choice is yours. Which path will you take on your journey to trading mastery?

What is Trading Competition on WhiteBIT?

It is an activity held among exchange users on the WhiteBIT platform that is a trading competition for a specific pair.

Globally, there are three parameters by which the winners are determined:

  • Trading volume. We select the winners of this tournament based on their trading volume for a specific trading pair during the competition period.
  • rP&L. Winners are determined based on the size of their realized P&L in trading on a specific pair during the contest period. (Implemented in 2023)
  • rP&L + Volume. Winners are determined by their trading volume and rP&L. That is the values of trading volume and realized PnL are added. At the same time, the value of rP&L has more weight. In percentage terms, their values in calculating results are rP&L = 60% and volume = 40%. (Implemented in 2023)


PNL, or P&L (Profit and Loss), is a vital financial metric across various industries and investment activities. On the other hand, realized rPNL or rP&L (Realized Profit and Loss) specifically reflects the profits or losses realized after a position is closed. When a position is completely closed, rPNL encapsulates the trade’s ultimate outcome. If a position is partially closed, it measures profits or losses for the portion that was closed.

To delve deeper into the world of P&L and its intricate calculations, explore our comprehensive article “What is Profit and Loss (PNL).” In the context of Trading Competitions, we place a significant emphasis on realized profits during our calculations.

Trading Competitions with “Trading Volume” as the Main Parameter

Imagine we’ve just kicked off an exciting tournament where the goal is to compete for the highest trading volume in the BTC/USDT pair.

You start with a balance of 5000 USDT. Head to the Trading Tournaments page, pick BTC/USDT, and hit “Participate.” In the first week, you purchase 0.1 BTC for 3000 USDT. A few days later, with the BTC’s value rising, you sell your 0.1 BTC for 3200 USDT, boosting your total trading volume to approximately 6200 USDT.

Later, you seize another opportunity, buying 0.15 BTC for 4800 USDT. Eventually, you sell these 0.15 BTC for 5100 USDT, elevating your trading volume to around 16,100 USDT.

It’s essential to note that tournament winners are determined by the total trading volume for the selected pair, not the profitability of individual trades. Keep track of the competition’s dynamics in the table right on the tournament page.

Trading Competitions with “Trading Volume” as the Main Parameter

Trading Competitions with “rP&L” as the Main Parameter

The algorithm calculates your rating in comparison with other participants as a percentage using the following formula:

rPnl/Max Margin * 100% = rPnl%

Let’s imagine that the margin for a trade is 2,500 USDT. You decide to open a long position on the BTC/USDT pair with leverage of x10.

In this case, the opening balance will be 25,000 USDT. The price of BTC at the moment of opening the position is 10,000 USDT. With a trading balance of 25,000 USDT, you buy 2.5 BTC.

Subsequently, the price of BTC rises to 12,000 USDT, and you decide to close the position by selling all your 2.5 BTC. Thus, the balance presently after closing the position will be 30,000 USDT.

As a result, your rPnL is 5,000 USDT (12,000 USDT * 2.5 BTC) – (10,000 USDT * 2.5 BTC), i.e., 30,000 USDT – 25,000 USDT ≈ 5,000 USDT (excluding commissions).

Accordingly, rPnl% will be 5,000 USDT/2,500 USDT * 100% = 200%.

Considering the situation with several items, rPnL% will be calculated as follows:

 rPnL% = Sum(rPnL1+rPnL2…)/Sum(MaxMargin1+MaxMargin2) * 100% 

For example:

Position 1.

Margin – 2,500 USDT

Leverage: x10

Balance for trading: 25,000 USDT

Profit: 5,000 USDT

rPnL of Position 1: 200% = 5,000/2,500 * 100%

Position 2

Margin: 3,000 USDT

Leverage: x5

Balance for trading: 15,000 USDT

Profit: 15,000 USDT

rPnL of Position 2: 500% = 15,000/3,000 * 100%

The total rPnL will be calculated as the sum of the margin of all positions (2,500 USDT + 3,000 USDT = 5,500 USDT) / the sum of the realized PnL on these positions (5,000 USDT + 15,000 USDT = 20,000 USDT)

The total rPnL% is 20,000 USDT / 5,500 USDT * 100% = 363.6%.

This indicator is the key to winning the rP&L trading tournament. Users with a negative or zero rP&L% cannot be included in the rankings.

Therefore, to win, you need to focus on increasing your realized profit rP&L%. It is not so much the frequency of trades as their efficiency that matters here. These tournaments are perfect for professional traders who are skilled in leveraged trading. Please note that the rP&L indicator will be displayed on the tournament table as a percentage.

Trading Competitions with “rP&L” as the Main Parameter

Trading Competitions with “rP&L + Trade volume” as the Main Parameter

You have 2,000 USDT available on your collateral balance. The price of BTC is currently 10,000 USDT. You decide to buy 2 BTC using leverage x10. Thus, having a balance of 20,000 USDT, you buy 2 BTC.

Later, when the price of BTC rises to 11,000 USDT, you sell your assets and get 22,000 USDT on your balance. What happens to the indicators?

rP&L (realized P&L) is your profit. In this case: (11,000 USDT – 10,000 USDT) * 2 = 2,000 USDT. Or we can calculate it using the standard formula: (11,000 USDT * 2) – (10,000 USDT * 2) = 2,000 USDT.

The rP&L% will be: 2,000 USDT/2,000 USDT * 100% = 100%.

Trading volume: You had two trades – a buy for 20,000 USDT and a sell for 22,000 USDT, for a total trade volume of ≈ 42,000 USDT.

The algorithm calculates your ranking compared to other participants using two different indicators – one for trading volume and the other for PnL in %. The final tabulation of the rankings is based on a coefficient of 0.4 for trading volume and 0.6 for PnL and the summation of the results.

That is, even if a participant’s rP&L is negative, they still have a chance to get into the rankings, as the trading volume indicator is also considered.

And vice versa, if a participant has a low trading volume compared to others, they can still get into the winner’s bracket due to a high rP&L percentage.

This tournament considers realized profit and trading volume. The higher these indicators are, the higher the place in the rankings.

Please note that the rP&L indicator is more important in the calculations.

Having a zero rP&L indicator does not allow a participant to get into the rankings. This tournament considers realized profit and trading volume. Regardless of the amount of trading volume, participants with open positions will not be able to win a prize in the rankings of the Trading Tournaments with the rP&L + trading volume parameter, as the key parameter of such tournaments is realized profit. However, even if the participant’s rP&L is negative (but not zero), he/she still has a chance to get a place in the rankings, as the trading volume is also considered.

The higher these indicators are, the higher the place in the rankings. Please note that the rP&L indicator is more important in the calculations.

Trading Competitions with “rP&L + Trade volume” as the Main Parameter

Additional Parameters for Trading Competitions

Think of our trade competitions as a showroom of cars with various configurations. Your mission? Explore the options and select the one that suits you best.

Alongside introducing two exciting new tournament types in 2023, we’ve incorporated a range of enhancements designed to level up your tournament experience. These tweaks can be seamlessly combined, enriching the dynamics of any competition type you choose. Explore the possibilities!

Competitions for Beginners

If you’re new to crypto trading or have recently joined our exchange to explore its functionalities, these tournaments are tailor-made for you! To be eligible for our beginner tournaments, simply ensure you registered on our exchange within the last three calendar months before the tournament’s start. Participating in these events not only offers you a chance to claim a slice of the prize pool but also provides an excellent opportunity to sharpen your trading skills.

Minimum Trading Volume

In certain tournaments, there’s a requirement for a minimum trading volume to secure a place on the tournament leaderboard. You can easily monitor your position in the tournament right on the competition’s page, as the leaderboard updates every 30 minutes. It’s important to keep in mind that meeting the minimum trading volume doesn’t guarantee you a reward.

Proportional Reward Distribution

In certain tournaments, there isn’t a predetermined prize amount guaranteed for the winner. Instead, rewards may be distributed among participants based on their proportional contributions to the total trading volume of the tournament or their rP&L.

Variety of Rewards

We’re spicing things up! Recently, we’ve expanded our range of rewards to keep things exciting and fresh. In addition to digital asset prizes, you can look forward to winning exclusive branded merchandise, NFTs, and various other enticing rewards.

For your Convenience

Details regarding the main parameter of the tournament, whether it’s trading volume, rP&L, or rP&L + volume, is located on the page of the selected trading competition. Within the tournament’s information section, you’ll discover informative descriptions of each setting tailored to that specific event.

For a streamlined assessment of your tournament performance, use the “My Rewards” section, where you can access a history of your past trading competitions.

So, trading competitions at WhiteBIT are primarily about improving skills, enthusiasm, and development. Participate, win your well-deserved crypto trophies, and get used to winning!


It is a trading competition for a certain pair, where the main condition for determining the winners is the indicators of trading volume, rP&L, or the sum of these indicators. In addition, a separate setting can be added to each competition, which will be indicated on the tournament page.

To participate in the trading competition, first, sign up with WhiteBIT and make sure to verify your account (pass KYC). Choose the desired trading pair, read the terms and conditions, and hit the "Participate" button.

There are no specific restrictions for most tournaments. Any verified WhiteBIT user can participate in them. However, there is a category of tournaments that only new exchange users can join. Beginners are users who have registered on the platform no earlier than three months from the start date of a specific tournament.

Competitions are subject to standard platform restrictions. For example, some markets and trade types may not be available in certain countries. Also, the user is prohibited from executing his own orders to increase trading volumes. In this case, the user may be removed from further tournament participation. You can find out more in the details in the rules of participation for each tournament.

Depending on the conditions of the tournament, the winner may be selected based on their trading volume for the target pair, rP&L, or based on rP&L + trading volume, with rP&L being more important.

Yes. For example, in the framework of some tournaments, it is necessary to gain a minimum trading volume to get into the leaderboard. All conditions for participants will be indicated on the page of a particular tournament, so you should read them carefully before starting to trade.

Tournament Mechanics

Winners are determined based on their rP&L results. rP&L represents the percentage of profit a participant earns during trading with a chosen pair after closing a position. Users with negative or zero rP&L values cannot qualify for the Trading Tournament leaderboard, where the primary selection criterion is the rP&L score. Please note that the rP&L percentage will be displayed on the tournament leaderboard.


You agree to the following Terms of Use by clicking the’ Participate’ button.

  • There are three types of tournaments, each with its criteria for determining winners:

– Competition for the highest trading volume on the selected pair;

– Competition for the highest rP&L percentage in trading with the selected pair;

– Competition for the highest trading volume on the selected pair and the highest rP&L percentage.

  • Additional parameters may apply to Trading Tournaments, which can be additional conditions for leaderboard inclusion, including:

– A minimum trading volume that a participant must achieve for the selected trading pair to qualify for the leaderboard;

– Tournaments exclusively for new exchange users. New users are those who registered on the exchange no earlier than three months before the tournament start date.

  • An additional tournament parameter that does NOT affect the possibility of leaderboard inclusion is the equitable distribution of rewards. Some tournaments may not have a fixed number of prize places. Rewards may be distributed among participants who qualify for the leaderboard proportionally to their contribution to the overall tournament trading volume or rP&L percentage.
  • Each Trading Tournament on WhiteBIT starts at 12:00 UTC and ends at 11:59 UTC on the specified tournament days.
  • The leaderboard is updated every 30 minutes, with the final update taking place at 12:00 UTC on the last day of each tournament.
  • For each tournament, trading volume and/or rP&L percentage users will be considered only for the trading pair(s) specified on the tournament pages.
  • Trading volume is the total sum of executed orders for buying and selling the specified trading pair during the tournament period.
  • rP&L is calculated as the percentage of profit a participant earns during trading with the selected pair after closing a position. Users with negative or zero rP&L values cannot qualify for the Trading Tournament leaderboard, where the main selection criterion is the rP&L score. Please note that the rP&L percentage will be displayed on the tournament leaderboard.
  • In tournaments with two key criteria for determining winners (trading volume + rP&L), these indicators are summed up, but greater weight is given to the rP&L percentage. The ratio is 60% for rP&L and 40% for trading volume. If a participant’s rP&L score is negative, they can still qualify for the leaderboard because the trading volume is also considered.
  • WhiteBIT reserves the right to disqualify a user from participating in the Trading Tournament if they:

– Execute their own orders;

– Use an account with zero trading fees (except for special trading fee discounts provided to WhiteBIT Coin holders);

– Utilize API bots;

– Employ a corporate account (e.g., an exchange service);

– Use multi-accounts (only one account per user is allowed to participate);

– Engage in other actions prohibited by the Terms of Use and WhiteBIT User Agreement.

Joint deliberate actions by a user with other users, who are related parties, using accounts with an internal understanding of activities, strategies, and intentions in placing and executing orders, are considered equivalent to using multi-accounts and are prohibited, resulting in disqualification from the tournament.

  • A user will be considered a participant of the trading tournament only when they click the ‘Participate’ button on the tournament page.
  • Tournament participants can track their position on the tournament leaderboard. Rewards for each tournament will be sent to the Main balance of the winners within five business days after the tournament ends (business days are determined by the WhiteBIT User Agreement). Once you receive your reward, you will be notified by email.
  • In addition to rewards in the form of digital assets, tournament winners may receive branded merchandise, NFTs, and other prizes. Information on the terms and conditions for receiving this category of prizes will be provided in detail on the specific tournament page.

Any investments in digital assets involve risks of partial or total capital loss and risks of significant volatility, potentially unsuitable for retail clients. Past financial results are not a guarantee of future results. Only use assets that you are willing to lose.