The Launch of Terra 2.0 (LUNA)

Published 03 June 2022
The Launch of Terra 2.0 (LUNA)


The launch of Terra 2.0 (LUNA) on WhiteBIT will consist of two stages.

Stage 1. Changing Terra (LUNA) and TerraUSD (UST) for Terra Classic (LUNC) and TerraClassicUSD (USTC)

Your balances will be transferred from Terra (LUNA) to Terra Classic (LUNC) and from TerraUSD (UST) to TerraClassicUSD (USTC).

The trade and transaction history for Terra (LUNA) and TerraUSD (UST) will be available under the new tickers (LUNC and USTC).

Stage 2: Terra 2.0 (LUNA) Airdrop

2.1. Redistribution rate

As a consequence of the launch of Terra 2.0 (LUNA), the old name Terra will be changed for Terra 2.0. However, the ticker will remain the same – LUNA.

Holders of LUNC and USTC on WhiteBIT will receive an airdrop of Terra 2.0 (LUNA).

The redistribution rate for Terra 2.0 (LUNA) airdrop will be calculated according to the snapshots, which were taken on the 7th of May at 14:59:37 UTC and on the 26th of May at 16:38:08 UTC.

Here are the possible cases of redistribution:

1. The redistribution rate for new Terra 2.0 (LUNA) in case you had Terra (LUNA) (now under the LUNC ticker) on the 7th of May at 14:59:37 UTC is:

1 Terra Classic (LUNC): 1,034735071 Terra 2.0 (LUNA)

2. The redistribution rate for new Terra 2.0 (LUNA) in case you held Terra (LUNA) (now under the LUNC ticker) and/or TerraUSD (UST) (now under the USTC ticker) on the 26th of May at 16:38:08 UTC is:

1 Terra Classic (LUNC): 0,000015307927 Terra 2.0 (LUNA)
1 TerraClassicUSD (USTC): 0,02354800084 Terra 2.0 (LUNA).

Please note that if you had Terra (LUNA) (now under the LUNC ticker) on your balance on the 7th of May at 14:59:37 UTC and on the 26th of May, 16:38:08 UTC, you would receive Terra 2.0 (LUNA) airdrop according to both snapshots.

Users who held TerraUSD (UST) (now under the USTC ticker) will receive Terra 2.0 (LUNA) airdrop only in case they had TerraUSD (UST) (now under the USTC ticker) on their balances on the 26th of May at 16:38:08 UTC.

2.2. Conditions of the Terra 2.0 (LUNA) airdrop:

According to the conditions of the Terra 2.0 (LUNA) airdrop, only 30% of LUNA airdrop will be unlocked and credited to your accounts right after the start of the new Terra blockchain.

Six months after the new Terra blockchain starts, the 70% will be unlocked and credited to the accounts of users who had Terra (LUNA) and/or TerraUSD (UST) on their balances at the time the snapshots were taken in the following way:

25% will be credited to the users’ accounts from the 24th of November 2022 to the 23rd of May 2023.

75% will be credited to the users’ accounts from the 23rd of May 2023 to the 13th of November 2024.

When the funds are released, we will inform the users that they will soon be credited to their balances.

Please review Terra’s official announcement.